

YES! Absolutely 100% Free – The Fitsentive App is Free to Download & Install & No Paywalls meaning all features are accessible to everyone!

YES! We have 15+ Gift Cards available for users to earn, from Amazon to Walmart and even Visa Prepaid Cards!

A User Earns Fitsentive Reward Points for Every Single Workout they Complete & Can Exchange their Reward Points in-app via the Redemption Center. The Redemption Center is Found within the “Profile” Page and contains all of the Available Gift Cards a User can Obtain.

You can find all available Gift Cards in the “Redemption Center”, which is located within Your Profile Page in the App.

YES! Simply open the Fitsentive App on your phone and begin your workout. Once you close the Ad a “Cast” button will appear in the top right corner of your phone’s screen. Click this button and select the device you would like to watch the workout on and Fitsentive will automagically transfer the workout over to that device’s screen.

Every Country has an assigned number that is placed before your phone number with an ‘+’ sign, this is referred to as the “Country Code”. For USA & Canada, this is +1. When creating a Fitsentive Account, find and click the drop-down arrow beside the Phone Number Field, this will expand the “Country Code” list and enable you to Search & Choose Your Country’s Code.

Navigate to the “Search” Page and click the input field found at the top of the screen. Enter the Trainer’s Name you are looking for and once entered, scroll down slightly to the “Trainers” Section & Click the Trainer’s image that you were searching for. This will take you to that Trainer’s “page” within the App where you can find all Workout Videos by them.

If you know the Workout Video’s title, simply Navigate to the “Search” Page & enter the Video’s name in the input field at the top of the page. If you are unsure of the Workout Video’s title but you know what type of workout it is, scroll down on the “Search” Page to browse all of the available Workout Categories.

Welcome! We are thrilled you have chosen Fitsentive to be a part of your Fitness Journey! The BEST Place to Start would be the “Videos” Page & to use the “Filter” button in the top right corner. This will allow you to tell the system to only display Beginner Style Workouts, you can also set the maximum workout length from this screen.

Then it’s time to Browse through the “Videos” Page! This is where you can find every single Workout Video we have, displayed in an “instagram-like” style. Scroll On!

Using the “Playlist” feature you can create a Custom Workout Session by adding Workouts from any Trainer & any Category. Add, Remove & Rearrange the Videos within your Playlist until you have it just the way you like it!

All of our Affiliate Partners and their Exclusive for Fitsentive Users Discount links can be found in the “Bonus Points Center”. You can access the Bonus Points Center by clicking the “Earn Points” button in the top right corner of the Home Page or the “Earn More Points” button on your Profile Page.